
Cincinnatus, New York
Located at the crossroads of State Routes
26 and 23.
From the North:  Take Interstate 81 to
Exit #10 (McGraw) to Rt. 41S.
Go for 6 miles to Telephone Road which
will bring you into Cincinnatus.
From the South:  Take interstate 81 to
Exit #9 (Marathon) to Rt. 221E.
Go for 7 miles to Rt. 26/41 and make a
right.  Follow it into Cincinnatus.
From the West: Access State Highway
#23 and it will take you into Cincinnatus.
From the East: Follow either the North   or South directions after getting on Rt. 81.

Cincinnatus Corn Festival Schedule of Events Crafters  Information Vendors  Information | Parade  Information  Other Cincy events & links Directions and Map